Differences between organic/vegan and Brazilian Keratin
Differences between organic/vegan and Brazilian Keratin Many of us have wondered what is the difference between Organic/vegan and Brazilian keratins. This is why we decided to write this article to answer any questions you have about it and to make the best decision...
Reto, Transforma tu cabello con Aiyana Natural
El Reto, Transforma tu cabello con Aiyana Natural. Su objetivo es llevar salud y restauración capilar en dos meses a cinco mujeres del estado de Massachusetts. Como empresa estamos comprometidos con el cuidado natural del cabello y por ello contamos con altos estándares de fabricación de nuestros productos a base de frutas, aceites, hierbas y otros componentes completamente naturales libres de químicos, parabenos o sales.
Do you know how to take care of your hair so that it always looks healthy and beautiful?
Do you know how to take care of your hair so that it always looks healthy and beautiful?Hello! Today we want to talk to all the women who have curly, straight, dyed, long, short hair, etc. Today we want to talk to you, woman. We want to give you basic but very...
How being curly-haired has made me a business woman?
I wanted to start this article with a study conducted by a renowned entity in the United States on porosity. But do you know why I was going to start with this article? Because I was afraid, yes, afraid! but afraid of what? I was afraid to tell you my story in English...